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Featuring: Divorced Constanta Romania - Join Our Free Dating Site Now!
Divorced Constanta Romania - Contact them 100% Free!
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Magamat keresem egy férfiben…
Age 51 From Dunaharaszti, Hungary
- Online Last 24 Hours
Woman Seeking A Woman (4744 Miles Away)
A pasi az pasi legyen.. szorgos dolgos.. jó humorú , figyelmes szeressen utazni..barkácsolni..kertészkedni..szeresse a kocsikat, motorokat!
Age 35 From San fatucchio, Italy
- Online Last 24 Hours
Woman Seeking A Man (4635 Miles Away)
Sufletește, calculator,curat ,inteligent
Sinceră , simpla ,grijulie !!! Respect**
Age 47 From Abasár, Hungary
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Woman Seeking A Man (4760 Miles Away)
Mă accepta cum sânt ,,, Un bărbat care știe să mă iubească , Sa fie reala ****
Sono Sono dolce coccolona sincera
Age 50 From Tocco Caudio, Italy
- Online Last 24 Hours
Woman Seeking A Man (4821 Miles Away)
Sono coccoloma sincera non tradisco amo la sincerità
Komoly tàrs, aki szereti az élményeket
Age 49 From Budapest, Hungary
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Woman Seeking A Man (4742 Miles Away)
Jövőképpel rendelkező, de kimozdulni szerető tàrsra vàgyom...
Buna! ......
Age 49 From Iasi, Romania
- Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (5063 Miles Away)
Vesela, optimista........................
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